About Us
Advisors and Leadership

Gary Weiner – Founder and CEO
A semiconductor and fiber optic business resource to AT&T Network Systems and Bell Labs over nearly 2 decades, Gary led the business units over a few decades of fiber optic startups, which became the splintered, foundational ideas used to launch Apriori Network Systems, which was founded at the end of 2015.
The founder of Apriori Network Systems and the inventor of the principle to use fiber optic signal generation to protect transmission data from physical interception and eavesdropping by hackers, Gary holds several issued patents and is driving the market and business partner development for Apriori Network Systems.
Everyone listed on this page and dozens more were involved in vetting the idea thoroughly and socializing the ideas throughout their networks of contacts across multiple industries and domains.
All thought the problem of network enterprise transmission fiber vulnerability was a problem in need of this solution.

Allen Eisdorfer – Legal
Partner in a private law firm with several offices in New Jersey.
- 25 years AT&T Bell Labs Director of Intellectual Properties Business Development, Technology Licensing, Transfers and Joint Ventures
- BA Accounting
- MS Computer Science
- Juris Doctorate
- Member, New Jersey Bar
- Rutgers University

Randall Friedes – Finance
Finance consultant after 20+ years of successful Merck career ranging from Audit Committee activity with Board of Directors to heading up finance for Merck Animal Health business unit.
Randy is a great problem solver and leads critical business inventory finance strategies and operations.
- Columbia University MBA Finance
- Tufts BS Chemical Engineering

Stan Lumish, Ph.D. – Engineering
- JDS-Uniphase Corporate CTO
- U.S. Department of Defense, Task Force for Business and Stability Operations & Technology as Director of Science and recipient of Joint Civilian Service Commendation Award.
- AT&T Bell Labs Fellow,
- IEEE Fellow
- Consultant & Board Chair, Pilot Photonics
- Chief Operating Officer VCTI, Inc.
- SUNY, Stony Brook

Peter J. Winzer, Ph.D. – Engineering
- Most recently led all Bell Laboratories global optical Communications Research.
- A true Bell Labs, internationally renowned engineering leader, known and recognized for advanced research and development of fiber optic communication systems and networks in key areas that enable the internet to be. Significant contributions to high-speed optical networking products and transmission record up to 1 Tbit/s per carrier, including the first field trial of live 100G video traffic.
- Founded Nubis Communications, funded by Matrix Partners.
- 500+ co-authored publications
- 80+ granted patents
- Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology from 2013 to 2018
- Program Chair of the 2009 European Conference on Optical Communications (ECOC)
- Program/General Chair of the 2015/2017 Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC).
- Clarivate Highly Cited Researcher
- Bell Labs Fellow
- Fellow of the IEEE
- OSA Fellow
- US National Academy of Engineering (NAE) elected member
- John Tyndall Award
- The honorary doctorate Technical University of Eindhoven.
- Technical University of Vienna, Austria
Jane Koppelman 1952 - 2021
Apriori Network Systems would not have launched without the endless support and nurturing from Jane, who always would ask great technical questions and sound business-related contributions. We could not have started and sustained operations without Jane’s ongoing positivity and gracious support. We continue to dignify her contributions with the foundation of the Jane’s Spirit Grant funding, to Help Children With Cancer. Jane’s trademark contributions to gatherings were her international “cheese village” platters shown below…it takes a village to make a market.